Studio Roots

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I've got too much passion in me to live passively!

Exploring and interacting with art via ceramics, glass, metal, wood, textiles, and synthetics inspires me. Challenges motivate me and in art, there are endless challenges.

My parents painted when I was a child. They opened my eyes to the world on paper and canvass, so I started out drawing and painting. It wasn't long before I started exploring what I could do with other media.

Art was sidelined for a while as I began working in cabinet making, wood working, and dental labs. These jobs were not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life so I decided to attend college to become a mechanical engineer. Just for kicks, I took a ceramics class as an elective.

Although I was doing fine as an engineering student, my heart wasn't in it. I ended up obtaining an Associates in Arts from Tarrant County College, then a Bachelors of Fine Arts from University of Texas at Arlington, and finally a Masters of Fine Arts from Texas Tech University. I finally graduated with a major in ceramics and minors in jewelry, glass, and sculpture with emphasis in wood working.

Anyone who has a passion for art should always be true to their passion and follow their dreams.