Public Art Projects

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Public Art Projects

These are public art projects that I have been involved in. Several of the projects involve working with children, local artists, and art teams. 

Boys and Girls Club Project. 2010. Working with a team, I designed the canvas, helped paint with the children involved and installed when finished.

College 4 Kids Project, 2013. I led a team of children to create a terra cotta tile mosaic representing the "Achieving The Dream" theme for the Tarrant County College outreach program.

A Star is born! 2014. The Arlington Star project in the beginning when I created the model for the mold.

The fiberglass mold that was fabricated by an individual contractor using my model.

Several of the Arlington Stars painted by chosen area artists ready to be placed on display at various locations.

The start of the Camel project for the Fort Lancaster Historical Museum through Museworks at the Nerwin & Martin facility. 2014. It began with a card board armature then covered with chicken wire.

Now sheets of epoxy putty is applied which was mixed by a team effort and handed off to me.

A face only a mother could love or the artist that shaped it. We had a great team bringing me fresh mixed epoxy sheets to work with.

Now with a coat of epoxy paint from the Nerwin and Martin team and the saddle and rubber safety mat in place, Old Kate is ready for visitors.

Here are other projects that have been displayed for public interaction.

Marfa Lights Mobile. 2005. Aluminum, solar garden lights, steel cable, and PVC lugs turned on a lathe.

Tripod. 2005. Aluminum and PVC lugs turned on a lathe.

Dream Boat. 2009. Cedar on concrete supports.

2 as 1. 2010. Yellow pine with ripples turned on a pottery wheel.

2 as 1, back view

2 as 1, point view

Dancing Steel Grass Mobile. Bamboo, jute, nylon cord. 25' x 16' x 3'. Sculpture residency on Kauai, Hawaii. 2011

Pod section and me from the Dancing Steel Grass Mobile, Kapaa island, Hawaii.